
donderdag 10 november 2011


Hi everyone,

Just wanted to share this picture with you this morning. When I got home about an hour ago I saw this huge spider in the corner of the ceiling. I'm not really afraid  of spiders, but this one is just a bit too large for me! So instead of squashing it....I took a picture and hope it'll just go away.
p.s.  I just re-checked and it's gone. Kinda wonder where it went though.......

Have a nice day!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hoi Marijke, Ik houd dus echt niet van spinnen, helemaal niet van die grote! En wist je dat deze roofspinnen altijd met z'n 2tjes zijn?

  2. haha...das fijn om te weten....ze houden zeker geen winterslaap....
